Hello children, How are you all of you? I hope all are fine. I am your friend, I am here to talk with you, to spend some time with you and definitely quality time, not time pass because I know that, time is very much precious for everyone. Is it true? Tell me in a comment. 
          Time is very precious in everyone's life so we need to spend quality time and it is a need for this generation.
          Somewhere I read, "No one has time for family and friends, but everyone is spending their time just like time pass." 
          This is such a bitter truth related to the new generation but it is not good for anyone. So need to change our life. We have so many ways to change our life, and also so many ways to spend quality time. And friends here is one way......what is this?....wait......what... Guess.......now you understand of course READING STORY.......now I come with a new story for you. My dear friend's moral story which will add some qualities in your life. So now I am going to tell you story name - THE HUMBLING OF JOVINIAN. This story I took from Maharashtra state board 8th standard.
           One day, Emporer Jovinian lay in bed thinking about his vast empire and the power he had over his people. He began to feel very proud and superior. 
            'No one would dare to disobey me, he thought. 'I am the greatest - the most powerful. No one can touch me -  not even God. Why even God doesn't have powers greater than mine. In fact, is there any other god than me ?' Thinking such boastful thoughts, he fell asleep.
          The next morning, he wanted to go hunting. No sooner said than done. Preparation was made immediately and he went hunting along with many guards and attendants. The whole morning they chased and hunted wild animals. The Emperor began to get tired, hot and thirsty.   Just then, he saw a stream flowing by. He ordered his guards to stop. 
         Wait here at a distance till I refresh myself in the stream."
        So saying, he rode alone to the edge of the water, alighted from the horse, took off his clothes and plunged into the cool, crystal clear water. He forgot the heat, the exhaustion and began to relax.
        While the Emperor was thus enjoying his swim, another person came to the edge of the water. In appearance and manners, he was an exact copy of Jovinian. 
         He calmly picked up the Emperor's clothes, got dressed, mounted the horse and went back to the guards. They did not about that he was the Emperor himself. At his orders, everyone rode off with him to the palace.
           After a while, Jovinian came out of the water and began to look for his clothes and his horse, but couldn't find them. He shouted for his guards and attendants but no one came. 
            'What a terrible thing to happen! What am I to do now ?' thought the Emperor? Then he remembered that one of his knights lived close by. 'I will go there and ask him to attend to me.'
           He gathered a few branches, tired them around his waist with some creepers and began to walk towards the knight's castle. He was a little ashamed to go there in this strange guise but there was nothing else he could do.
         When Jovinian reached the castle, he best loudly at the gate.
"Open the gate this very instant!" he roared.
The porter opened the door and was astonished to see the person standing there, dressed like a wild man.
        "What are you and what brings you to this castle?" the porter asked without letting Jovinian come in.
       "I am your Emperor. Go to your Lord and tell him that his sovereign commands him to come to the gate. Also, send me some clothes. I've lost mine."
          "You rascal! How dare you tell such wicked lies! Do you think we don't know the Emperor? Just a little while ago, he had stopped here on the way to the palace! But I must inform my Lord about your imprudence."
            The porter and some other guards then took Jovinian to their Lord. Jovinian. knew him well but the knight could not recognise Jovinian in his wild, scanty attire. 
            Jovinian tried to tell him what had happened but the knight could not believe it. He thought Jovinian was either a madman or a dangerous imposter. 
              "You claim to be the emperor, you rogue! You deserve to be flogged. Flog him, guards, and tie him up. Don't let him wander about with his wild, mad tale."
        The guards flogged Jovinian soundly. Then tied up his feet and hands, locked him in a room and went away. Jovinian was beside himself with grief and anger. 
         "Is it possible? Do they really not recognise me? Or, is it a bad dream? Why are these people doing this to me? 
          How come they do not recognise me? What shall I do? I will not tolerate this. What can I do?"
       With great effort, Jovinian managed to untie his hands and feet and somehow escaped from the room. "There's only one thing left for me to do. I must now proceed to my own palace though I have no clothes and a horse. Surely my own guards will recognise me. If nobody else, at least the Empress will know me. Yes, my wife will surely know me."
        So, still dressed like a wild man, Jovinian went to his own palace and called to the porter to open the gate.
    "Who are you?" said the porter. "What do you want?"
     "What!" exclaimed Jovinian. "Don't you know me? You see me and salute me every day. Look at me. I am Emperor Jovinian."
        The porter burst out laughing. "You are Emperor Jovinian and I am your elder brother. My dear man, the Emperor doesn't wander about like a half-naked dirty beast. Where are you imperial robes? Where's your crown?"
         Jovinian tried to keep his calm and said patiently, "You may not believe me but take this message from me to the Empress. I will tell you three things that are known only to the Empress and myself. Tell them to her and ask her to send me my robes and my crown."
          The porter thought for a while. Then he agreed to take the message to the Empress. He went inside the palace and returned to the Empress. He went inside the palace and returned almost immediately with some guards. "You scoundrel! You nearly had me fooled with your message. But you can't deceive us so easily. The Empress is with the Emperor himself. I saw him with my own eyes. You are only a wicked imposter. Now the Emperor himself will decide the punishment for you."
        The porter and the other guards took Jovinian to where the imperial couple sat with the councillors. Jovinian was shocked to see his replica, clad in his own clothes and wearing his own crown, sitting with the Empress and the councillors. This other emperor looked cool and elegant. He smiled at Jovinian. Jovinian became furious. "You imposter! Usurper!" he said. "You have no right to sit on my throne." Then he turned to the Empress. "Do you know your own husband? You should know which of us is the real emperor."
          The Empress looked from one to the other but couldn't make up her mind at first. Then she said, "You do bear a likeness to the Emperor but I feel that the one sitting with me is the real emperor. His nobility, intelligence, courage is seen on his face. Who are you, you man from the wild?  "
            Thus Jobinian's last hope, too, was shattered. The pretended emperor continued to smile. The councillors were enraged. 
            "Hang him, " said one. "Put him in prison," said another. "Beat him soundly till he comes to his senses," said one more. But the man dressed as the emperor allowed Jovinian to go free. The palace guards seized him and threw him out of the palace gates.
    Poor Jovinian! He lay by the side of the road -- bruised, battered, hurt, hungry and humiliated. "What have I done to deserve all this?" he lamented. "I have lost my wealth, power, family --- even my identity. No one knows me. No one listens to me. What is my fate now?"
       And then he remembered how proud and boastful he had once felt. How he had believed that he was as great as God himself. Jovinian's heart was filled with remorse. "How wrong I was to boast so! How could I? It was not I but the imperial robe and the crown that held all the power was nothing compared to God's might. I was foolish to think of myself as God Almighty."
       Just then a kind man came by. He was moved to see the bruised, half-naked man lying helpless by the side of the road. He took Jovinian home, bathed him, fed him, and gave him clean decent clothes to wear. Jovinian felt grateful to the man and thanked him. But he felt that he should not take advantage of his kindness any further. So he left his house and began to wonder about thinking about his future.
        He was deep in thought and without realizing it, came to the palace gates again. But surprisingly, this time, the porter recognised him immediately. He bowed to Jovinian and opened the palace gates. Jovinian walked in.
          This time, everyone in the palace seemed to know him and bowed to him. As Jovinian entered the imperial chamber, the Empress herself came forward to great him. The other Jovinian was nowhere to be seen. Jovinian became an emperor once again. He
ruled wisely for many years ---- not with pride, but great humility. 
Moral of the story :- Never pride because pride has a fall.
I hope all my friends enjoyed this story. If you like this story so you can comment to your friend, In comment box. By see you soon with new story.


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