Moral story - Friendship


             Shankaramma and Sundaramma lived side by side in a village. Shankaramma was soft spoken. She was nice to all and had helping nature. Sundaramma was in total contrast. She always quarreled with the neighbours and caused harm.
              There was a floral tree in Shankaramma's backyard. It grew tall and bent towards Sundaramma's house. While Shankaramma took great care of the plant, Sunderamma would pluck all the flowers.

  After this went on for a long time Shankaramma said, "Sundaramma! This is very unjust. I am tending to the plant but you are using the flowers." Sundaramma replied haughtily, "Flowers are in my backyard. So they belong to me."

            Shankaramma wanted to teach Sundaramma a lesson. She got a plant full of thorns. The roots remained in Shankaramma's backyard while all the thorns had spread to Sundaramma's house.
            Sunderamma querreled with Shankaramma saying that the thorns we're harming the birds and cattle in her back yard and ordered Shankaramma to clean the whole yard removing the thorns.
            Both went to the village Head for justice.
          The Head declared that Sunderamma was entitled to take only some flowers from Shankaramma's tree and in return for the flowers she would have to clean both their back yards.
          Sunderamma had learnt her lesson.

Moral :- Quarrelling nature is not good for anyone

Source-  Twinkle star by The Hitavada.


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