
Showing posts from April, 2020

Coronavirus prevention and utilise lock down days for adults and kids

Coronavirus   prevention and utilise lockdown days for kids Coronavirus             Hello, friends how are you all of you? Hope all are you fine. I am your friend,  I want to talk with you, this year your exam had not conducted by your school because of  Coronavirus and now it's pandemic. So be careful about it. Because prevention is better than cure. Coronavirus   For prevention of  Coronavirus do this daily Coronavirus * Wash your hands between every two hours with soap and water. * Cover your face (with mask) and use hand glows when you go outside of home. * Maintain physical distancing from those who are coughing and sneezing. * Don't touch your mouth, nose and eyes.           These are some basic prevention . Prevention of coronavirus          I know all children feeling very happy because you all have a vacation before the expected time. It's time for fun and entertainment but dear it's also time for acquiring some new knowled

Moral story for kids | Inspirational moral story| Best moral story

Moral story :- The cat and the fox Moral story - The cat and the fox                   A cat  and a fox were once discussing about hounds.            The cat said, "I hate hounds. They are very nasty animals . They hunt and kill us". The fox said, " I hate hounds more than you ".            The cat asked "How do you save yourself from hounds?". The fox replied, " There are many tricks to get away from hounds".            The cat asked "Can you say what your tricks are?".            " They are very simple", said the fox. He added, "I can hide behind thick pushes. I can run along thorny hedged. I can hid in burrows. There are many more such tricks".            Now it was the turn of the fox to ask the cat about her tricks.            The fox asked,  "how many tricks do you know?". The cat replied, " I know just one trick". The fox sneered, "Oh! How sad! You know only one tri

Short moral story | Good moral story | Children's story with moral :- THE TWO POTS

  Moral story:- The two pots Moral story of two pots         It was a cyclonic season. There was a  flood everywhere. Many houses drowned in the flood . There was a  copper pot and earthen pot in a house. Both these were washed  away in the flood to a river.          The  pot called the earthen pot said, "My friend, you are made of mud. You are so weak. Please come near me. I'll save u".           The earthen pot replied, " Thank you for your kindness, my friend. But, let me swim to the bank by myself". The earthen pot began to swim towards the bank of the river.           As the copper pot tried to swim, water got filled into the pot and the  copper pot drowned. But earthen pot reached the bank safely.                               Moral story - The two pots                                Moral of the story :- Weakness is not in appearance.

Short moral story in English for competition | moral stories for children |The hare and the lion

Moral story:- The hare and the lion         A  Lion was getting fed up of hunting. He called all animals and passed an order,  "Everyday one of you should come by yourself as my pray".  All animals started to obey this order. Moral story- The hare and the lion                                             It was the hare's day. The hare was very sad. As he was going to the lion's den, he came across an old well. He looked into it, it was very deep and dangerous. A plan came to his mind.           The lion was very angry that no animal had come. The hare slowly come towards the lion. The lion roared "Why are you late?". The hare humbly replied, " Oh my way another lion chased me. I got away with much difficulty to give my life to you, Your Majesty".           The lion was pleased with the hare, but the thought of another lion in the jungle made him angry. The  lion roared "Do you know where he lives?". The here replied,

Moral story of 10 lines | moral story for 10 years old :-The crooked tree

Moral story:- The crooked tree Moral story - Crooked tree                                    It was a dense forest. All trees were straight and tall. Their trunks were broad and shapely. But, there was one tree which was having a crooked, shapeless trunk. Moral story - The crooked tree                                 The crooked tree was sad. He thought "How ugly I am! All others are straight and shapely. I alone am crooked".         One day a wood-cutter came there. He looked around and said, " I will cut all trees here except that crooked tree. That is of no use to me". He cut away all other trees.       Moral story - The crooked tree        Now, the crooked tree was happy for it's crookedness.                              Moral of the story:-  Be happy with what you are.

Very short moral story | 10 lines moral story | Story for 10 years old children| very short Moral story :- The Peacock and the Crane

Very short Moral story:- The Peacock and the  Crane Moral story - The peacock and the crane                   There was a  Peacock who often boasted about his beauty. Everyday he walks to the banks of a large lake and look at his own reflection and say "Oh! What a beautiful  bird I am! Look at my colourful tail". Moral story - The peacock and the crane              Once the  Peacock saw a  Crane on the banks of the lake. He said with sneer to the crane, "What a colourless  bird you are! You have no beautiful and colourful feathers like mine". Moral  - The peacock and the crane                            The crane replied, "Of course! I don't have beautiful feathers. But, my feathers can make me fly across the lake. Can your feathers make you fly"! There was no reply from the Peacock.   Moral:- It is better to be useful than to be beautiful.

Moral story:- The wise judge

  Best Moral story :- The wise  judge Moral story - The wise judge         Two women were brought before King Solomon . Both these women had a quarrel over a single baby. Each  woman was saying that she was the baby's mother.         One lady said, "Oh king! I am the baby's mother".         The other lady said, " Oh king! Believe her not. She is not the mother. I am the mother of the child". Moral story - The wise judge         King Solomon was confused. After a deep thought he said, "Cut the baby into two and give one part to each mother". One  woman was silent. The other cried " Oh king! Let she have the baby. Let the baby live". The king gave the child to the crying mother. Moral:- Truth always triumphs

Moral story :- Sheba and the monkey

Moral story :- Sheba and the  monkey         Sheba, the queen of the jungle, was very fond of babies. Moral story - Sheba and the monkey         Once, she announced, "I order all animals to come to my palace with their babies.          The  animal who has the most beautiful baby will be awarded a prize".           All  animals came to Sheba's palace with their babies.          Sheba was inspecting. She came to a monkey and said, " What an ugly baby! You will not get the prize.                 The baby  monkey started to cry. The monkey said, "What a foolish queen she is! Who wants her prize! You are my jewel, my dear child. You are more precious than anything under the sky". Moral story - Sheba and the monkey  Moral:- Mother's love has no equals. Read these type of more moral stories here