Story - The king and the toadies

There was a king in a forest.

He had four toadies, a kite,

 a fox, 

a wolf, and a cheetah. 

The kite brought news from far and wide. 

The Cheetah was kings body guard. 

The fox was his secretary and the wolf was the home minister.

Their ranks was merely a cover up. The real job of the four toadies was to sing praises of the lion.

They were experts in sweet talk. So, the other creatures of the Jungle called them "Toady gang". ( Toady in English means the same thing as we mean by 'Chamcha' in Hindi).
            The lion hunted and left a good part of the kill for his toadies which was enough for them.    
             One day, the kite informed the rest,  " Fellows, there is a camel by the road side."

            The wolf said surprised, "A camel? Must have strayed from some caravan."
           The cheetah smacked lips, "It would be a great feast if we make the lion kill it."
           The fox announced, "Leave it to me."
            The fox approached the lion and said in a very sweet tongue,  "Your Majesty,  our information chief, the kite, reports sighting of a camel by the roadside. I learn that the meat of the human bred animals is unique in taste. Fit for the kings. Kindly allow me to announce your camel hunt expedition."
           The lion was taken in by the sweet talk of the fox. They all reached the spot where a feeble camel sat looking sick. Its eyes we're pale and tired. The lion asked, "Creature, you look very ill. How did it happen?"
         The camel moaned, "0 king of jungle, you know not how cruel man is. I was carrying big load in a caravan. On the way I fell ill. I could not walk further. So, I was left here to die. Please kill me and end my sad life. I do not want to live."
            The story of the camel made the lion sad. Suddenly he felt an urge to show greatness of a king. So, the king lion declared, "Camel, you shall not die. No one will kill you. I give you my protection. You shall come with us and live with us."
            The today gang made faces. The wolf whispered to the others, "Okay. We shall get the camel killed later on. Meanwhile, we must go along with the wish of the king."
              This, the camel came to the jungle with them. Within a few days the camel gained health. The green grass and curative herbs did wonders to him. The camel was very obliged to the king lion. The lion also liked camel's simplicity and love. When the camel became fully strong, he requested the lion and his toadies to ride on his back. He wanted to give back some service to pay for the kindness he was treated with. The camel would give joy ride to the king and his toadies whenever they wished.
                One day, egged on by the toadies, the lion attached an elephant. Unfortunately the elephant was rogue. It picked the lion with its trunk and banged him down. The lion managed to escape but he was badly shaken up. His bones were cracked and dislocated.
          The lion sat, not being able to move. There was no hunting and no food. The toadies had forgotten the art of hunting.
           One day, the fox moaned, "This is stupid. we have a fat big camel and we are dying of hunger."
          The Cheetah sighed, "What can we do? The lion has given him protection. But look at the big mound on his back. It is full of tasty fat."
          The Wolf groaned, "This is the time the camel should die to serve as our food. Think of some trick."
            The fox said in her foxy voice, "I have already thought of a plan. We shall have to put on an act."
            They all listened to the plan of the fox. So, acting upon the plan, the today gang went to the lion king.
             The kite said, "I cannot see you die of hunger,  0 king. Kindly eat me."
           The fox pushed him aside saying, "Do not be funny. You have too little meat to make a morsel even. Eat me, Your Majesty."
            The wolf cut her short, "Bah! You are merely a ball of fur. Let his majesty make me his meals."
              "No, the meat of a wolf is no good to eat. I offer myself to the king, " the cheetah lay prone before the lion.
              The today gang was putting on a good act. Now the camel had to say, "No, Your Majesty, do eat me and satisfy your hunger. This life I live, is after all your gift. It would be a shame for me if you die."
               That is what exactly the toady gang had planned. They said in one voice, "That is the right way out, Your Majesty. The camel himself wants it."
              The cheetah offered, "Your Majesty, if you do not want to do it yourself we shall kill him for you."
              So saying, the cheetah and the wolf tore on the camel apart.

Moral:- Do not keep the company of selfish toadies.


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