
Showing posts from February, 2020

Story :- The Cows and the Lion

Story- The cows and the lion   There was a village near a jungle. The village  cows used to go upto the jungle in search of food.           In the  forest there lived a wicked lion. He used to kill a cow now and then and eat her. Story of the cows and the lion This was happening for quite sometime. The cows were frightened.            One day, all the caws held meeting. An old  cow said, "Listen everybody, the lion eats one of us only because we go into the jungle separately. From now on we will all be together".           From then on, all the cows went into the jungle in a herd. When they heard or saw the lion, all of them unitedly moo and chased him away. Moral :- Divided we fall, United we stand          

Story - The king and the toadies

There was a king in a forest . He had four toadies, a kite,  a fox,  a wolf, and a cheetah.  The kite brought news from far and wide.  The Cheetah was kings body guard.  The fox was his secretary and the wolf was the home minister. Their ranks was merely a cover up. The real job of the four toadies was to sing praises of the lion. They were experts in sweet talk. So, the other creatures of the Jungle called them "Toady gang". ( Toady in English means the same thing as we mean by 'Chamcha' in Hindi).             The lion hunted and left a good part of the kill for his toadies which was enough for them.                  One day, the kite informed the rest,  " Fellows, there is a camel by the road side."             The  wolf said surprised, "A camel? Must have strayed from some caravan."            The cheetah smacked lips, "It would be a great feast if we make the lion kill it."