Long, long time ago, there was a strange bird name Bharund. It had single body but two heads. Its neck split in two branches holding a head each. Inspite of sharing a common body the heads we're distinguished. Each head had its own mind. They seldom agreed with each other. If one mind wanted to go east, the other would wish to go West. As a result Bharund would take one step forward and another step backwards getting nowhere. This, the life of Bharund had become a tug-of-war between the two minds. The heads we're jealous of each other. One day, Bharund was looking for food on the bank of the river. One of the head happen to see a delicious looking fruit on the ground. It took a bite of it and yummed, "Umm, never tasted such delicacy. It is a God's great gift." The other head said, "Really? Let me also taste it." ...