Moral story - The evil snake

            There was a very old banyan tree in a forest. A pair of crows had its nest on it. An evil snake had made the hollow in the trunk of that tree its home.
            Every spring hen-crow laid her eggs in the nest. And every time the evil snake would creep up to the nest and eat the eggs, when the crows were away. Once the crows found food early and returned just when the snake was leaving the nest, having eaten the eggs.
            Now they knew what had been happening to their eggs. The crow said to his wife, “Do not lose heart, dear. Now we know the enemy. We can think of a solution.”
           The Crow gave a lot of thought to it and built a new nest, far above the old one, near the top of the tree. The crow reasoned, “Our eggs will be safe here near the top. The kites and eggless keep hovering above in the sky. Thy are enemies of snakes. That evil snake will not dare to come up here.”

                                             Moral story

  The hen-crow also agreed. She laid her eggs in their new nest. Nothing happened. Tiny chicks came out when the eggs were hatched.
          Meanwhile, finding the old nest empty the snake thought that the crows had flown away. But it kept a watch. The snake noticed that the crow pair flew from and flew back to the same tree. It did not take him long to guess that the crows had a new nest built higher above. One day, the snake crept up and found the new nest.

                                            Moral story

    There were three chicks in the nest. The evil snake gobbled them up one by one. Then he went back and burped, pleased with the tasty meal.
           The crows were shocked to find their nest empty. There were tender chick feathers strewn all around and the nest looked ruffled. They at once knew that the evil snake had done it again. The hen crow started wailing, “Shall my babies always become food of that cruel snake?” She cried.
          The crow consoled, “No, certainly the problem is serious. But we should not run away. We must seek help of friends. Let us consult our good friend   Miss Fox.”
          Miss Fox heard their tale of woes. She asked her friends not to lose heart. After some thinking Miss Fox said, “Friends, you need not leave that tree for fear of the cruel snake. I have a plan that can bring death to the enemy.”
             The clever Miss Fox told them the plan she had thought of. The crows jumped with joy because the plane was very good. They thanked Miss Fox. The plan was to be put to action the very next day.
             There was a small lake in that forest. The lotus and lily flowers blossomed on its clear water. Each Tuesday, a princess used to come to that lake with her friends to swim and to play water games. Soldiers accompanied her.
This time also, she arrived.
             The princes and her friends began swimming. The crow flew in their as per plan. There were heaps of clothes of the princess and her friends on the bank of the lake. On the top of the clothes of the princess was her lovely and precious pearl necklace.
               To attract attention of the bathing beauties the crow crowed, “Caw –Caw!”  When they looked up,   the crow picked up the  necklace of the princess and rose up in the air.
               The princess cried, “Oh my necklace!”
             Her friends shouted, “Look, Look! That crow is stealing away the precious necklace of the princess!”
              The soldiers heard the cries and glanced up. A crow was slowly flying away with the necklace.
             The soldiers heard the cries and glanced up. A crow was slowly flying away with the necklace.  
             The soldiers ran. The crow cleverly led the soldiers towards the tree it lived on. When the soldiers were a little distance away, the crow dropped the necklace. The necklace fell into the hollow of the tree where the evil snake lived.
            The leader of the soldiers peeped into the hollow. There, he saw the necklace and big evil looking snake coiled up. He warned, “Stay back! There is a snake inside.”
            The leader hit the snake with his spear. The snake was hurt. It came out hissing angrily. The soldier were ready. They cut the snake into pieces with their swords and spears.

Moral of the story:- Think of clever ways to solve your difficult problems.


  1. Nice story . I had read this story in my schoo time. Teaches secred things


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