Gopal Bhand - The story

Gopal Bhand You have heard stories of Birbal, Tenali Ram, Abu Nawasi, Mulla Nasiruddin who were known for their wit and sense of humour. All of them showed great presence of mind. They turned every situation to their advantage. Similar stories are told about Gopal Bhand of West Bengal. He is a popular figure in Eastern India. It is said that Gopal Bhand was the court jester at the royal court of Maharaja Krishna Chandra of Krishnanagar. When you read the story given below, you will see why he was the Maharaja's favourite. Once the Maharaja wanted to appoint a royal physician. He sent his announcers far and wide asking practising physicians to present themselves at the king's court on a certain day. This was a golden opportunity for physicians. They flocked in large numbers to the king's court on that day. One by one, each one of...